Kamaraj Software Solutions - Exam Management System

With the use of university management system, examination management related arrangements like time-table, hall tickets, allotments and attendance sheets can be organized efficiently.


Exam Management System

Kamaraj Software Solutions Exam Management software allows you to create and conduct various types of exams, including qualifying exams, mid-terms, periodic tests and many more. Examination Management System, eliminate the unnecessary cost and paper wastage incurred during the examination process. Institute can conduct descriptive and objective type examination, generate multiple reports, terminate the report card printing and download, reduce workload for college staff, provide instant feedback on student progress and access to view their results in a single click.

During an academic year, the student’s academic excellence and performance analysis can be review based on the different types of examinations, test, assignments, attendance, etc. schools/colleges now get an option to use powerful Kamaraj Software Solutions Examination Management System software combined with student exam module that allows not only to create results but also manage results. Schools/College results can, therefore, be easily managed through our student examination management system module where each examination can be defined and calculations run in real time giving parents and students more than 5 different analytics including class average, percentage, grade etc. Examination Management System includes Examination Management software, and Examination Criteria Management software to create and evaluate examinations.

Student Exam Management System

Features of Exam Management System

creating examination

Create Examinations

create class-wise exams or test

Create class wise exams/tests

exam hall ticket generation

Hall ticket generation

exam question paper generation

Question Paper generation

download subject or class wise student mark sheets

Download Subject/Class wise mark sheets

download or print student wise report card

Download/Print student wise report card

real-time mobile update on parent's mobile

Real-time mobile updates on parent’s mobile

download/print various exam report formats

Download/Print Various report formats

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